The UK Screen Investment Programme

The UK Screen Investment Programme, in partnership with Hertfordshire Futures, profiles the UK as a global hub of film production – historically significant and globally leading. Showcasing best practice nationally and internationally, the summit, the flagship event in the programme, will discuss key themes for the sector’s growth.

The UK screen industry is already world-leading with globally-renowned companies such as Sky, Pinewood, Elstree, Warner Bros, Disney and Amazon Prime Video all based here. Major cities such as Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff, Manchester, Liverpool and London all have screen clusters with outstanding potential for growth.

The UK Screen Investment Programme offers places across the UK the opportunity to profile their leadership in the field, promote investment opportunities, and drive further and faster up the upward growth curve of the screen industry. To register your interest, please sign up to our mailing list below and receive the latest information directly to your inbox.

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste

3:30 pm

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit

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